Monday, September 14, 2009

What Is Law Of Attraction

How to Use Law of Attraction and the Secret Movie Teachings

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Ever since the launching of The Secret movie and dvd back in March, 2006, the movie and the book by the same name by Rhonda Byrne has taken the world by storm. There are many misconceptions about the law of attraction and this wiki is an attempt to clean up the confusion.
The biggest misunderstanding is that most people think it is all about being positive and that being anything other than positive - negatively affects your chances at creating what you want for your life.
In actuality, law of attraction is based on vibrations and even though how we think - affects are vibrations - there is quite a bit more to it. Very similar to how a tuning fork works, in that one fork struck will cause others with that same frequency to vibrate - we, as humans, also have magnetic frequencies that attract whatever we are vibrating.


  1. Pay attention to how you feel. If you are not feeling good, ponder what it is you are thinking that is causing you to feel bad. Work that Subject over in your mind until you have a new thought that raises your vibration. Your feelings are a built-in barometer for how you are vibrating.
  2. Challenge your ingrained beliefs. If you have a pattern of thinking the same way about a particular subject matter - money, health, relationships - you will find that you have ingrained beliefs that are coming up whenever that subject matter comes to mind. Those beliefs can be empowering or they can be dis-empowering ones. Taking a look at your existing circumstances gives you a glimpse as to your overall vibration because whatever you are living - is a reflection of that. That is a good place to start in re-thinking your beliefs.
  3. Let everyone off the hook. Counting on others to behave a certain way in order for you to be happy is a trap. Just like you cannot jump through all the various hoops required in order to make the people close to you happy - the same thing applies to you being able to accommodate all those demands. Take charge of your life and understand that you can be happy no matter what others are doing. It just takes a different perspective. Happier people attract more circumstances to be happy about.
  4. Let yourself off the hook. Stop fretting over all the perceived mistakes you have made. The other people involved in those situations are most likely not even still thinking about what happened. And if they are, it is because they have not been willing to give up that incident in favor of being happy now. Whatever happened - happened. Get over it. Today is a new day with lots of opportunities to do things differently based on what you learned about your preferences.
  5. Love. If you can feel absolute love for everything and everyone around you, you will be in complete and utter harmony with the Universe. Every good thing will come to you!
  6. Believe you deserve a piece of the money cycle. One of the things that people seem to really want the most is money. Money is fantastic, and there is plenty of it. All you have to do is believe that you have all the money you want/need. Write tremendous, million-dollar checks or use Monopoly money to pretend you have all of this money. When you can feel good and secure about money, that's when the magic of wealth begins. Oh, and always feel grateful for any amount of money. Gratitude attracts support.


  • Now is the time to change. Your existing circumstances show who you were, not who you are. The frequency you are on now affects the person you will be, so make sure you feel good!


  • This is like building a new muscle. And just like exercising a muscle on your body - it is cumulative. You didn't get to where you are in one day and you won't change things around in one day.
  • The more you focus on negative emotions, the worse you will feel and the more negative circumstances you will attract. Focus on someone/something you truly care about or love, and then you'll automatically feel good if you think about it for a minute.

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Use Law of Attraction and the Secret Movie Teachings. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Making The Law Of Attraction Work

How to Make the Law of Attraction Work Every Time

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

How do you make the Law of Attraction work every time? The secret is to discover one’s unconscious thinking in relation to what one desires to create consciously. If the unconscious thinking is in opposition to one’s desires, amend the counterproductive thinking into something that will align with one’s conscious desires. These easy steps will guide you through the process.


  1. Awareness: Be aware of what you are creating.
  2. Breathe: Breathe in deeply to connect to what you are creating and on the exhale expand to create more room for the connection. Surrender to what you are currently creating. Let go.
  3. Responsibility: Take responsibility for what you are creating. Own it. Use the verbiage ‘I want to experience (place here what you are experiencing)’ because on some level you do want to experience it or you wouldn’t be experiencing it.
  4. Acceptance: Drop judgment of what you are creating to realize it is simply a creation. Discharge the energy or judgment typically associated with things that you don’t want. These unwanted things have been called negative, wrong or bad.
  5. Unconscious: Now that you are aware of what you do want consciously, become aware of any unconscious thoughts creating against what you want consciously. Go through the first four steps with each unconscious thought that is hidden and in conflict with your conscious desires.
  6. Peace: Make peace with the inner conflict about the situation. Bring both sides of your thinking together. Harmonize your conscious and unconscious thinking. Let them both speak and feel. Indeed two parts of you can be in disagreement with each other. Come to a place of being okay with each of them and feel the resulting peace.
  7. Recreate: With awareness, acceptance and peace brought to all parts of you regarding a situation, you have the power to recreate the circumstance and with a higher probability of long-lasting success.


  • When we are aware of the decisions we make in each moment we are making conscious choices. When our choices are unconscious, they are decided possibly in contradiction to what we really desire. This is how unwanted habits or manifestations can control us.

Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Make the Law of Attraction Work Every Time. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

How To Control The Law Of Attraction

How to Use The Secret in the Real World

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

The incredible popularity of The Secret DVD has millions of people trying to improve their lives by thinking better thoughts and by holding positive thoughts. But thinking alone will do very little to manifest your desires. There are, however, very simple steps you can follow to truly live the life you imagine


  1. Remember that thoughts are energy. Even scientists will not dispute that. But knowing that is only step one to fully understanding the Law of Attraction.
  2. Understand that "like attracts like" does not mean that just by thinking about something makes the thinker like that which he/she is thinking about. You have to become a person who gets those things you want to manifest. Thoughts are powerful and have an incredible effect on how you respond to everything in life. But to truly use and understand The Secret, know that you will attract into your life what you want only after you become the type of person who attracts that which you desire. Very confusing, I know, but critical to manifestation. If you desire more money, don't just think about receiving more money, but "act as if" you are someone who already has the amount of money you desire. James Allen wrote that a man becomes what he thinks about. But this is true ONLY if the thinking man then acts upon his thoughts.
  3. Live in the Now. So much of our time is spent thinking about the past or imagining the future, but the Universe only knows "now." God is always in the present, and so do you need to be in the present in order to manifest. Thinking about your desires as something you will attain sometime in the future sends the message to yourself and the universe that you will always be someone who will be receiving "in the future." The future never happens. Only the Now is real. Think and act as if, in the "now."
  4. Surround yourself with like minded people. Nothing can drain your energy faster than listening to a complainer. Sooner or later, that negativity will effect you and cause you to begin acting and thinking like someone whom you do not desire to be.
  5. Spend time, everyday, in the GAP. The GAP meditation simply means to spend time in the silence that exists in between your thoughts. Doing a GAP style meditation for 15 minutes each day can really help you control your thinking better. It also is a wonderful way to re-energize yourself.
  6. Don't apply time limits. Remember, there is only "now." Saying that you want to manifest a new love within the next month is like telling the Universe that you don't want a new love now. For "now" is all the Universe knows, as "now" is all that truly exists.

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Use The Secret in the Real World. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Secret & The Law Of Attraction

How to Use Law of Attraction and the Secret Movie Teachings

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Ever since the launching of The Secret movie and dvd back in March, 2006, the movie and the book by the same name by Rhonda Byrne has taken the world by storm. There are many misconceptions about the law of attraction and this wiki is an attempt to clean up the confusion.
The biggest misunderstanding is that most people think it is all about being positive and that being anything other than positive - negatively affects your chances at creating what you want for your life.
In actuality, law of attraction is based on vibrations and even though how we think - affects are vibrations - there is quite a bit more to it. Very similar to how a tuning fork works, in that one fork struck will cause others with that same frequency to vibrate - we, as humans, also have magnetic frequencies that attract whatever we are vibrating.


  1. Pay attention to how you feel. If you are not feeling good, ponder what it is you are thinking that is causing you to feel bad. Work that Subject over in your mind until you have a new thought that raises your vibration. Your feelings are a built-in barometer for how you are vibrating.
  2. Challenge your ingrained beliefs. If you have a pattern of thinking the same way about a particular subject matter - money, health, relationships - you will find that you have ingrained beliefs that are coming up whenever that subject matter comes to mind. Those beliefs can be empowering or they can be dis-empowering ones. Taking a look at your existing circumstances gives you a glimpse as to your overall vibration because whatever you are living - is a reflection of that. That is a good place to start in re-thinking your beliefs.
  3. Let everyone off the hook. Counting on others to behave a certain way in order for you to be happy is a trap. Just like you cannot jump through all the various hoops required in order to make the people close to you happy - the same thing applies to you being able to accommodate all those demands. Take charge of your life and understand that you can be happy no matter what others are doing. It just takes a different perspective. Happier people attract more circumstances to be happy about.
  4. Let yourself off the hook. Stop fretting over all the perceived mistakes you have made. The other people involved in those situations are most likely not even still thinking about what happened. And if they are, it is because they have not been willing to give up that incident in favor of being happy now. Whatever happened - happened. Get over it. Today is a new day with lots of opportunities to do things differently based on what you learned about your preferences.
  5. Love. If you can feel absolute love for everything and everyone around you, you will be in complete and utter harmony with the Universe. Every good thing will come to you!
  6. Believe you deserve a piece of the money cycle. One of the things that people seem to really want the most is money. Money is fantastic, and there is plenty of it. All you have to do is believe that you have all the money you want/need. Write tremendous, million-dollar checks or use Monopoly money to pretend you have all of this money. When you can feel good and secure about money, that's when the magic of wealth begins. Oh, and always feel grateful for any amount of money. Gratitude attracts support.


  • Now is the time to change. Your existing circumstances show who you were, not who you are. The frequency you are on now affects the person you will be, so make sure you feel good!


  • This is like building a new muscle. And just like exercising a muscle on your body - it is cumulative. You didn't get to where you are in one day and you won't change things around in one day.
  • The more you focus on negative emotions, the worse you will feel and the more negative circumstances you will attract. Focus on someone/something you truly care about or love, and then you'll automatically feel good if you think about it for a minute.

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Use Law of Attraction and the Secret Movie Teachings. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How To Use The Law Of Attraction

How to Use the Law of Attraction

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

The law of attraction states that every positive or negative event that happened with you was attracted by you. Say that special friend loaned you money when you didn't have any. You attracted that, even without your awareness of using the law. Say that teacher, classmate, client, or co-worker gave you a hard time during the day. You attracted that, too. Again, we are using the law every second of every day. You've even attracted reading this article! There really only three basic steps: ask, believe, and receive. However, the point of this article is to break those three steps down into simpler, more concise ones.


  1. Relax your mind. Meditate for 5 to 10 minutes. Doing this will increase brain power and have your mind at that relaxed state. This step is optional but recommended.
  2. Be sure about what you want. Remember that you're sending a request to the Universe which is created by thoughts, and therefore responds to thoughts. Know exactly what it is that you want. If you're not clear/sure, the Universe will get an unclear frequency and will send you unwanted results. So be sure it is something you have strong enthusiasm for.
  3. Ask the Universe for it. Make your request. You don't have to actually speak or use words because it doesn't hear words. Send a picture of what you want to the Universe. The Universe will answer. See this thing as already yours. See How to Visualize. The more detailed your vision, the better. If you're wanting that Nintendo Wii, see yourself sitting down playing a game on it. See yourself feeling the controller, playing your favorite game(s), touching the console. If there's that person you have a crush on, see yourself walking with her/him, touching or caressing the person, or even kissing the person. You get the idea.
  4. Write your wish down. Start with "I am so happy and grateful now that..." and finish the sentence (or paragraph) telling the Universe what it is that you want. Write it in the present tense as if you have it right now. Avoid negation terms (see Warnings for more on this). Every day until your wish comes true, close your eyes and imagine your desire as if it's happening right now.
  5. Feel it. Feel the way you will now after receiving your wish. You must act, speak, and think as if you are receiving it now. This is actually the most important, powerful step in using the Law of Attraction because this is where it starts working, and sometimes if you do this you don't feel like you need it anymore because you FEEL like you already have it! and then the universe will manifest this thaught and feeling and you will recieve it.
  6. Show gratitude. Write down all the things the Universe has given you. Be thankful for what you already have and be thankful for all the things the Universe has given you. The Universe has done a lot of things for us. Paying the Universe back with some gratitude will motivate the Universe to do even more things and will draw more things into your life. If you were once bullied and that person stopped, that's one thing to be thankful for. If the person you're crushing on likes you back, or doesn't but she/he didn't send their lover out to hurt you, that's another thing to thank the Universe for. You should also thank the Universe for this process too. Showing gratitude will turbo boost the Universe to manifest your request faster.
  7. Trust the Universe. Imagine an alternate dimension that is almost exactly like the real world but whatever you truly desire comes true in an instant. See yourself in that dimension, where whatever you ask the Universe for comes to you in an instant. Don't look for what you asked for; this is where people tend to mess up. If you have to keep an eye out for an event that manifests your wish, it's only telling the Universe you don't have it and you will attract...not having it. Be patient. Don't get upset if these things don't happen immediately. Don't stress the "how" of things. Let the Universe do it for you. When you take the Universe's job of worrying about the "how", this says you're lacking faith and that you're telling the Universe what to do when the Universe has far greater knowledge and power than human mankind.


  • Have a vision board or a picture from a magazine to help you see and feel what you want, look at that picture everyday (better to do this in the morning since this will help you to feel better throughout the day), and focus on emitting happy feelings to the Universe.
  • Don't visualize something only for the sake of attracting it into your life. It will manifest itself 10X faster if you visualize your goal only for the purpose of joy.
  • Good feelings = good reality. Feel GOOD. Put on your favorite song, paint a picture, have fun with your pet, or think of someone or something that you love, something that makes you happy, and just shut your eyes and dwell on this. These can be called Frequency Shifters, so have a few up your sleeve. Different thoughts work for different situations, so think of a few now you can use later.
  • Try this... if you experience an event that makes you so happy and overjoyed that you want to attract more into your life then try and remember your inner emotion you had (your heart beating faster/ stomach jumpung) whatever it was try and replecate that by remembering the event and then if your vibrational energy is the same as you felt in that joyous moment then the it will manifest and you will attract it into your life.
  • focus as hard as you can on what you DO want not on what you don't want, if you are really angry about a war/conflict that has been going on don't be 'anti-war' be 'pro-peace' and then it will manifest as you are focusing on the peace not the war.


  • Avoid using those negation terms. For example, if you want to get out of debt and you say "I want to get out of debt," the Universe only see the word 'debt' and will send more along your way. It pays no attention to negation terms like, 'no', 'not', 'none', 'out' and so fourth.
  • You can't use the Law of Attraction to control people. However, if you have a friend who you haven't seen in a long time and you want her to come to you. Instead of saying "I want my friend to show up at my door," just say, "I want to walk down the street and see her pass by," or something like that.
  • "Be careful what you wish for because you just may get it," is not a statement to joke around with. This law is so powerful your request could manifest instantly and powerfully without warning. Remember, this Law could be used to create or destroy.
  • you can't have any resistence in your mind for example : if you have just tried using the law of attraction and you say "this stuff isn't working" then the universe will give you more of 'this isn't working'.

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Use the Law of Attraction. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.